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Trevisani nel mondo - Una storia a fumetti



Associazione Italiana Trevisani nel mondo - 2022

In the last months of 2022, I illustrated "Trevisani nel mondo - Una storia a fumetti" a comic book created by the International Association "Trevisani nel Mondo" to celebrate its 50th anniversary. Written by Luca Vanzella, and colored by Alessandra Kerstulovich, the comic book provides an insight into over 100 years of Treviso's emigration history as well as the life of Don Canuto Toso, the recently deceased founder of the "Trevisani nel Mondo" association. The book, consisting of 48 color pages, was made possible with the support of the Veneto Region, the sponsorship of the Province of Treviso and the collaboration of the Treviso Comic Book Festival. AD Studio Radici.

Technique: Digital drawing.

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